Top Three Marketing Tips for Trades

Calling all Builders, Carpenters, Electricians, Plumbers and any other trades people that don’t know where to start with Marketing  

Top Three Tips for Tradespeople: Building Your Brand in the Market


For builders, electricians, plumbers, carpenters, and other tradespeople, marketing might seem like a foreign concept. However, effective marketing can significantly elevate your business. Here are three top marketing tips for trades to get you started:

Tip One: Be Visible

In the trades, your visibility is crucial. It’s not just about the quality of your work, but also how you present your brand.

  • Brand Your Gear: Utilise every opportunity to showcase your brand. This includes branding your clothes, vans, and any equipment. Keep your messaging clear and direct. Consider using QR codes on your gear that link to a special landing page, providing potential customers with easy access to your services.
  • Business Cards and Flyers: Never underestimate the power of a business card. Leave them with customers, or place them in local gyms, shops, or networking events. Additionally, a ‘recommend a friend’ flyer can encourage referrals, offering discounts as incentives.
  • Promotional Items: Items like branded mugs have ‘dwell time.’ They remain in view, keeping your brand in the customer’s mind. Also, consider using work-in-progress signs outside projects to advertise your services.
  • Branded Paperwork: Even your paperwork can be a branding tool. Use branded folders or job bags to present a professional image.


Tip Two: Act Social

Being active on social media is essential, but it’s crucial to choose platforms

where your target market is most active.

  • Choosing the Right Platforms: For most tradespeople, Facebook is a key platform due to its wide user base and community focus. However, consider where your specific audience spends their time. Instagram and TikTok are great for sharing visual content like videos of your work, but be strategic. For example, if you’re based in London, you want to attract a local audience rather than people overseas who are unlikely to use your services.
  • Engagement and Content: Be social on these platforms – interact with followers, respond to comments, and engage with other local businesses. Record videos or before-and-after photos of your projects. Showcasing your work not only displays your skill but also helps in building a connection with your audience.
  • Networking Groups: Joining groups like BNI or Grafters can be beneficial. These groups provide a platform to meet other local businesses and potential customers. Find a group that aligns with your business ethos and get involved.


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Tip Three: Build Your Authority

Establishing yourself as a reliable and skilled tradesperson is key.

  • Showcase Your Work: Use your social platforms and website to show off your best work. High-quality images or videos of completed projects can speak volumes about your expertise and attention to detail.
  • Leverage Reviews: Encourage your customers to leave reviews on platforms like TrustATrader, Google Reviews, or Trustpilot. Positive reviews not only build your credibility but also help in attracting new customers.
  • Customer Testimonials: Ask satisfied customers if they would be willing to provide testimonials. Sharing these on your website and social media can significantly boost your reputation.
  • Share Knowledge: Occasionally sharing tips or insights related to your trade can position you as an expert. This could be simple maintenance tips, DIY advice, or insights into the latest industry trends.


miles dressed up like a builder

How Miles Marketing Can Help

While these tips can set the foundation for your marketing efforts, developing a comprehensive strategy is key to long-term success. This is where Miles Marketing comes in. Our 90-minute marketing plan is specifically tailored for tradespeople like you. We understand the unique challenges you face and can help you navigate the complex marketing landscape effectively.

In this session, we’ll help you define your target market, refine your brand positioning, and develop a content strategy that resonates with your audience. Our goal is to empower you with the tools and knowledge you need to stand out in your field and attract more customers.

Investing in a solid marketing plan can transform the way you do business. Let Miles Marketing be your partner in this journey, helping you to not only meet but exceed your business goals.

I hope you enjoyed reading about my top three marketing tips for trades, if you want to know more about marketing, you can check out more of my blogs here.

Contact us today to find out just how affordable it is to get on top of your marketing.



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