Marketing Workshops

Welcome to Bite-Size Marketing, where we empower businesses like yours to achieve remarkable marketing results without breaking the bank.
We understand that not every organisation can afford to outsource their marketing or invest in pricey agency plans.
That’s why we’ve created Bite-Size Marketing products – to provide you with the essential marketing assistance you need at a price you can afford.

Our range of Bite-Size products has been meticulously crafted to cover the most common marketing tasks, ensuring you have everything you need to propel your business forward.

You can download a PDF here Or download my brochure here

Let’s take a closer look at what we offer:

The 90 Minute Marketing Plan: Maximise your marketing impact in just 90 minutes with a personalised, action-oriented marketing plan – take action and get started with your marketing today.

Unlimited Marketing Coaching: Elevate your marketing all year round with Bite-Size Unlimited marketing coaching, enjoy boundless 15-minute expert coaching sessions and exclusive resources, ensuring continuous progress towards your business goals.

Bite-Size LinkedIn: Unlock the power of LinkedIn with our specialised training sessions. Whether it’s for individuals or group sessions for your entire staff, we equip you with the knowledge to leverage this professional platform effectively. You’ll also discover how to optimise your company page for enhanced visibility.

Bite-Size Social Media: We’ll guide you in embracing social media to its fullest potential. Together, we’ll develop a tailored plan that aligns with your business objectives. From content creation to engagement strategies, we’ll ensure you maximise your social media presence.

Bite Size Strategy: We develop a comprehensive marketing plan brimming with actionable steps, all strategically aligned with your company goals. With our expertise, you’ll have a roadmap to success.

Bite-Size Brand: Your brand speaks volumes about your business. We delve deep into your brand values and unique selling proposition (USP), ensuring your brand reflects your company’s essence. We’ll also guide you on establishing the right tone of voice for maximum impact.

Bite-Size Culture: Your employees are your most valuable assets. We help you foster an informed and engaged workforce through improved internal communication and stronger staff relationships. By nurturing a positive company culture, you’ll empower your team to excel.

Bite-Size Customers: Identifying your target market is crucial, and we’ll assist you in precisely pinpointing your ideal audience. Gone are the days of vague “everyone” answers. Our expertise enables you to effectively target the right people, ensuring your marketing efforts hit the bullseye.

Bite-Size Blogs: Embracing the power of AI, we utilise cutting-edge technology to create SEO-rich articles for your website. Stay ahead of the competition and generate valuable organic traffic with our optimised content solutions.

Bite-Size Coach: In our exclusive 90 minute coaching sessions, you have my undivided attention. We dive deep into your business, discussing any aspect where marketing can make a difference. This dedicated time ensures you stay on track, accountable, and armed with invaluable marketing insights.

Don’t let limited resources hold you back from achieving marketing success. Bite-Size Marketing products are the game-changer you’ve been waiting for. Save time and money while harnessing the expertise of seasoned professionals.
Take the leap today and unlock your business’s full marketing potential with Bite-Size Marketing today. Yes, today! If there is space in my diary, you can start working on your business now!

Can’t find a product that is right for you or don’t know where to start, book a call and we will get you started.

How much does it Cost?

Product:- “Bite-Size 90 minute Marketing Plan”
Duration:- 1 x 90 minute online workshop
Cost:- £399+VAT 
Result:- A short-term marketing plan full of actions 

a blue starburst with the words 90-minute marketing plan in

Accelerate Your Success with the 90-Minute Marketing Plan

Your time is as precious as your brand. That’s where our 90-Minute Marketing Plan comes in – a streamlined, intensive workshop designed to hone your marketing vision into a clear, actionable strategy that delivers results.

Features of the 90-Minute Marketing Plan:

  • Bespoke Strategy Session: A dedicated 90-minute slot with our marketing expert, focused entirely on crafting a plan that’s as unique as your business.
  • Action-Ready Blueprint: Walk away with a concrete, step-by-step marketing plan filled with actions tailored to your resources and goals.
  • Cost-Effective Investment: At just £399+VAT, it’s a small investment for a plan that can redefine your marketing effectiveness.
  • Expert Analysis: We do our homework before the call, coming to the table with insights and strategies specific to your market niche.

Benefits for Your Business:

  • Time-Efficient: Perfect for time-strapped entrepreneurs, get a comprehensive marketing plan without the long-term commitment.
  • Targeted Actions: With a plan specially designed for your business, every action has a purpose, aiming for maximum impact.
  • Resource-Savvy: Regardless of your marketing budget, we provide smart solutions that optimise your spending for the best ROI.
  • Immediate Implementation: With a plan in hand post-session, you can start implementing strategies immediately, driving you closer to your business objectives.

Take the Leap with Miles Marketing

Your journey to marketing mastery is just 90 minutes away. Are you ready to make every minute count?

This session will include:-

  • 1 x 90 minutes 1-1 online zoom session
  • We review your business before we meet
  • We craft a short term marketing plan together
  • You receive a marketing plan full of actions

With our expertise, you’ll have a plan that you can follow and implement.

How much does it Cost?


Product:- “Bite-Size Unlimited Marketing Coaching”
Duration:- First Session 45 Minutes, then unlimited 15 minutes workshops
Cost:- £999+VAT per year or £99+VAT per month
Result:- Unlimited access to a marketing expert and progression for your marketing activity

Transform Your Marketing with Bite-Size Unlimited Coaching

Step into uninterrupted marketing excellence with Bite-Size Unlimited – your all-access pass to consistent, expert marketing coaching tailored to your business’s rhythm. Marketing support adapts to your pace, ensuring you’re never alone on your journey to success.

Features of Bite-Size Unlimited Coaching:

  • Unlimited 15-Minute Coaching Sessions: Get direct access to Miles, your personal marketing expert, for unlimited 15-minute Zoom coaching sessions throughout the year.
  • Flexible Scheduling: You control the calendar. Book your next session only when you’re ready to progress, ensuring consistent progress.
  • Exclusive Content and Resources: Unlock a vault of marketing materials, from social media templates to instructional videos, all designed to streamline your marketing efforts.
  • Pioneers Club Membership: Join an elite group of forward-thinkers with your Pioneers Club membership, complete with a complimentary club mug.
  • Discounts on Bite-Size Products: Enjoy an exclusive 20% discount on our range of Bite-Size products, enhancing your marketing strategy without stretching your budget.

Benefits for Your Business:

  • Tailored Guidance: Each session is a step toward your unique marketing goals, with advice tailored to your business’s needs.
  • Cost-Effective Expertise: With an annual fee of £999+VAT or a monthly option, you gain expertise at a fraction of the cost of an in-house team.
  • Accountability and Progress: Our ‘homework’ system ensures that every session builds on the last, translating into tangible advancements in your marketing strategy.
  • Community and Networking: As part of the Pioneers Club, network with like-minded entrepreneurs, share insights, and grow together.
  • Ongoing Support: With Miles Marketing, you’re never just a subscription. You’re part of a commitment to ongoing development and success.

Embark on a Journey of Marketing Mastery

With Bite-Size Unlimited, you’re not just getting a service; you’re investing in a partnership that promises continuous support and unwavering dedication to your marketing growth.

This package will include:-

  • The first session is a 45 minute online zoom sessions
  • Unlimited 15 minute marketing consults
  • Access to online resources
  • A Free Pioneers Mug
  • 20% discount on all other Bite-Size products

With our expertise and this unlimited formula your marketing will gather momentum.

How much does it Cost?

Product:- “Bite-Size Strategy”
Duration:- 4x 90 minute online workshops
Cost:- £1,399+VAT
Result:- A marketing plan full of actions

Welcome to our exclusive marketing workshop designed specifically for businesses like yours! We understand the importance of having a quick and affordable marketing plan that aligns perfectly with your budget and internal resources.
Our personalized 1-1 workshop style ensures that we work closely with you to develop a short-term marketing strategy that delivers results.
During the first session, the spotlight is on you and your business. We provide a platform where you can effortlessly share all the essential details about your company. By gaining a comprehensive understanding of your unique offerings, goals, and challenges, we can tailor our approach to meet your specific needs.

The subsequent two sessions are dedicated to diving deep into your products, services, pricing, target market, competitors, and marketing channels. We analyse every aspect to identify the most effective strategies that will maximize your marketing impact. We provide valuable insights and guidance, enabling you to make informed decisions and capitalise on your strengths while addressing any potential weaknesses.

The final session is where the magic happens. Drawing upon the information gathered throughout the workshop, we collaborate to build a robust and actionable marketing plan. This comprehensive roadmap outlines the steps required to achieve your objectives, ensuring that it is not only feasible but also aligned with your available internal resources. We understand that you may have limited personnel, and our approach takes this into account, enabling you to execute the plan seamlessly with your existing team.
By participating in our workshop, you gain access to my expertise as a seasoned marketing professional who has a wealth of experience in various industries. My commitment is to empower you with a strategy that not only fits your budget but also provides a quick turnaround time, allowing you to see tangible results sooner rather than later.
Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to revolutionise your marketing efforts. Click the link below and you could be starting your first session within hours.

This session will include:-

  • 4 x 90 minutes 1-1 online zoom sessions
  • We review your business as a whole
  • We examine the USP, products, price points, target market
  • We build a plan full of actions

With our expertise, you’ll have a roadmap to success.

How much does it Cost?

Product:- “Bite-Size Brand Positioning”
Duration:- 3x 60 minute online workshops
Cost:- £1,199+VAT
Result:- Identify your Brand Values, Tone of voice, USP and Brand Bible

Welcome to Bite-Size Brand, our exclusive brand workshop that offers a quick and affordable solution to position your brand with precision and impact. As an expert in this field, I understand that your brand speaks volumes about your business. That’s why I am dedicated to delving deep into your brand values and unique selling proposition (USP), ensuring that Bite-Size Brand reflects the essence of your company in a concise and memorable way.
We’ll guide you through the process of establishing the right tone of voice, ensuring maximum impact in a minimal amount of time.
Our fully interactive Bite-Size Brand workshop is designed to help you identify the core elements that make your business tick.
We’ll assist you in uncovering your brand values, those fundamental principles that define your company’s character and culture. Additionally, we’ll work closely with you to develop a tone of voice that aligns perfectly with how you want to be perceived, creating a distinct personality for your brand.
And let’s not forget your USP – that special something that sets you apart from the competition. We’ll help you identify and articulate it clearly, giving you a competitive edge.
In our first session, it’s all about you and your business. You’ll have the opportunity to share everything with us, allowing us to gain a deep understanding of your vision and objectives.
The second session will focus on refining your brand values, tone of voice, and USP to perfection.
Finally, in the last session, we’ll review and consolidate all the information we’ve discussed. The result? Your very own brand bible, a comprehensive guide that encapsulates your brand’s essence.
This invaluable resource can be easily shared with third parties, enabling them to fully comprehend and align with your company or brand.
Now is the perfect time to take your brand to the next level with Bite-Size Brand, you can book yourself in on our automated system and if our diaries align, get started the same day! So what are you waiting for, book Bite-Size Brand today!

How much does it Cost?

Product:- “Bite-Size Staff Culture”
Duration:- 3x 60 minute online workshops
Cost:- £999+VAT
Result:- Create a positive culture internally, retain and gain staff that share your values

Welcome to the transformative realm of Bite-Size Culture, where we specialise in cultivating an extraordinary workplace atmosphere that nurtures productivity and fosters an unparalleled sense of belonging.

Designed with businesses encompassing 20 or more dedicated individuals in mind, our innovative approach truly flourishes within organisations boasting 50-100+ employees spanning multiple locations.

Embarking on this journey with Bite-Size Culture means embarking on a profound transformation, as we lay the foundation for a positive culture that permeates throughout your entire organization. We understand that a vibrant and harmonious work environment is pivotal to the success and longevity of any enterprise.

Our methodology begins by delving deep into the essence of your organisation, meticulously extracting vital information regarding its identity, aspirations, and challenges. Armed with this comprehensive understanding, we then embark on a practical, cost-effective journey to actively engage your team.
Drawing upon my expertise, we help you ingeniously communicate your company’s objectives to your staff, ensuring that the entire workforce shares a clear, unified vision. By consistently reinforcing your values and principles, we assist in embedding them within the hearts and minds of every employee, creating a robust cultural tapestry.

Moreover, we recognise the paramount significance of enlisting the right individuals who align seamlessly with your brand and its unique ethos. We encourage you to think about your recruitment process to ensure that each new addition to your team contributes to the flourishing culture you strive to establish.

In essence, this introduction merely scratches the surface of the immense possibilities that await your organization through the cultivation of a positive environment or culture. The path to unparalleled success begins with Bite-Size Culture, as we empower you to sculpt a workplace that inspires, motivates, and propels your business to extraordinary heights.

How much does it Cost?

Product:- “Bite-Size Social Media”
Duration:- 2x 90 minutes online workshops
Cost:-  £699+VAT
Result:- A social media plan that hits your target market

As an expert in the field of social media marketing, I understand the importance of adopting a sensible approach to maximize the effectiveness of your online presence. With our product, Bite-Size Social Media, we specialise in analysing your target market to identify the most suitable platforms for your brand’s engagement. By carefully selecting the appropriate platforms, we can devise a simplified plan that ensures optimal content delivery and enhances customer engagement.

It is crucial to recognise that being active on every social media platform may not yield the desired results. Instead, we focus on identifying the platforms where your target market predominantly resides. By understanding the demographics of various popular social media platforms, we can effectively establish your brand’s presence on the platforms that matter most to your customers.


Here are some popular social media platforms and their respective demographics:

  • Facebook:
    • Demographic: Broad user base covering all age groups, particularly popular among users aged 30 and above.
    • Suitable for: Brands targeting a diverse audience and seeking to establish a strong online community.
  • Instagram:
    • Demographic: Predominantly used by younger audiences, especially those aged 18-34.
    • Suitable for: Brands with visually appealing content or those targeting a younger demographic, lifestyle, fashion, beauty, and creative industries.
  • Twitter:
    • Demographic: Users of various age groups, including a substantial number of professionals, journalists, and influencers.
    • Suitable for: Brands that can effectively communicate concise messages or those seeking real-time customer interactions. Popular for news, current events, and trending topics.
  • LinkedIn:
    • Demographic: Primarily professionals and businesses, often used for networking and career development.
    • Suitable for: B2B brands, corporate companies, and businesses targeting professionals or seeking to establish industry thought leadership.
  • Pinterest:
    • Demographic: Predominantly female user base with a strong interest in lifestyle, fashion, home decor, and do-it-yourself (DIY) projects.
    • Suitable for: Brands with visually-oriented content, targeting predominantly female audiences, and offering products or services aligned with the platform’s focus areas.
  • TikTok:
    • Demographic: Mainly younger audiences, especially Gen Z, who enjoy short-form videos and viral trends.
    • Suitable for: Brands that can create engaging, entertaining, and trendy video content, particularly targeting a younger demographic.

By understanding the demographics and user behaviour of each platform, we can tailor your social media strategy to focus on the platforms that align with your target market. Now that we understand whom we are talking we can focus on how to engage with them on each of your social feeds. We will devise a social media plan that suits your business and goals.

This is what we will discuss:-

    • Best practices on posting.
    • How to track performance.
    • Basic understanding of algorithms.
    • We create a simple plan to deliver content and drive engagement.

How much does it Cost?

Product:- “Bite-Size Marketing Customer”
Duration:- 3 x 60 minutes online workshop
Cost:- £999+Vat
Result:- Identify your target customer avatars and see how you can effectively target them as part of your marketing plan

Introducing Bite-Size Customer: In the realm of efficient and impactful marketing, the significance of understanding your target customers cannot be overstated. That’s why we are thrilled to introduce Bite-Size Customer, a revolutionary solution designed to transform the way you approach customer targeting.

Bite-Size Customer is a comprehensive platform that empowers businesses to delve deep into the minds and preferences of their ideal customers. By utilizing advanced analytics and cutting-edge technology, this innovative tool enables you to create precise avatars of your target audience, unlocking invaluable insights that drive your marketing strategies with unparalleled accuracy.

With Bite-Size Customer, the initial session revolves around your company and products. We encourage you to download all the essential details about your brand, allowing us to fully grasp your unique value proposition. Armed with this knowledge, we embark on a journey to define clear avatars that encapsulate the characteristics, desires, and behaviours of your target customers.

As an expert I meticulously research and analyse the data, unearthing key demographics, psychographics, and consumer preferences. We leave no stone unturned as we explore where your customers hang out and how they consume media. By understanding their media consumption habits, we help you structure marketing plans that engage your audience precisely where they are most receptive.

Bite-Size Customer not only saves you time but also money. By investing in accurate customer targeting, you ensure that your marketing campaigns are laser-focused, maximizing the impact of your messaging. Instead of wasting resources on broad and generalized promotions, you can allocate your budget strategically, reaching the right customers at the right time and place.

Imagine the possibilities when you can tailor your marketing efforts precisely to your target customers. Bite-Size Customer empowers you to optimise your resources and achieve a higher return on investment. By crafting personalised messages that deeply resonate with your audience, you forge genuine connections and foster brand loyalty.

Don’t underestimate the power of knowing your target customers. Bite-Size Customer offers you the opportunity to unlock a treasure trove of insights, revolutionising the way you approach customer targeting. Embrace this game-changing solution, and elevate your marketing strategies to new heights.

How much does it Cost?

Product:- “Bite-Size Business Coach”
Duration:- 90 minutes
Cost:- £299+vat a session
Result:- Sharpen up your strategy and solve your business problems


As a marketing expert with an extensive background of 30 years working for renowned international brands such as adidas, Ladbrokes, Coral, and William Hill, I am here to offer you my invaluable expertise through the Bite-Size Marketing Coach. This powerful tool allows you to utilise 90 minutes of my time according to your specific needs and preferences.

Some of my clients appreciate the accountability aspect of our partnership, as we conduct monthly reviews of their marketing activities to ensure they stay true to their commitments. Others come to me with specific challenges that they need guidance on, seeking a collaborative solution. Drawing from my vast experience, which predates the era of the Internet and social media, I bring a harmonious blend of traditional and digital marketing strategies to effectively target your customers and achieve your business goals.
Now, let’s talk about the remarkable benefits of having a coach by your side. Having a coach provides you with a unique advantage in navigating the complex world of business. As Bill Gates once said, “Everyone needs a coach. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a basketball player, a tennis player, a gymnast, or a bridge player.” A coach offers valuable insights, knowledge, and a fresh perspective, enabling you to make informed decisions and overcome obstacles more efficiently.

In the words of Eric Schmidt, former CEO of Google, “The one thing people are never good at is seeing themselves as others see them. A coach really, really helps.” With a coach, you gain access to an objective observer who can identify your blind spots, challenge your assumptions, and guide you towards growth and success.
In conclusion, with my extensive marketing experience and the Bite-Size Coach, I am dedicated to sharing my expertise and helping you achieve your business objectives. Together, we can leverage both traditional and digital marketing approaches to effectively reach your target audience.

As you embark on this journey, remember the wise words of renowned entrepreneur and author Jim Rohn: “Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying the basic fundamentals.”
Your first session could happen today, if our diaries align, I could help you with your burning marketing problems today.