How to Build a Better Website

How to build a better website with Mike Octigan

How to Build a Better Website: Focusing on Your Ideal Client, Answering Their Questions, and Streamlining with Automation

A website serves as the cornerstone of your business’s online presence. However, creating a website that effectively attracts and retains customers involves more than just showcasing your achievements and capabilities. It requires a strategic approach that places your ideal client at the heart of your design, content, and functionality. Here’s how to build a better website by focusing on your target market, addressing their needs, and incorporating automation to streamline their online experience.

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Making It All About Your Ideal Client

Many businesses fall into the trap of designing their websites as a monument to their own success. While it’s important to establish credibility, the primary focus of your website should be on what you can do for your clients, not just what you have done. Your website should serve as a bridge connecting your business with the needs and interests of your target market.

Focus on Their Needs, Not Just Your Offerings

Begin by evaluating your home page. Read the content out loud. Does it speak directly to your ideal client, or is it a narrative of your company’s history and achievements? Your home page should clearly articulate your value proposition, emphasising how your services or products address the specific pain points of your audience.

Incorporate Your Value Proposition

Your value proposition should be front and centre, detailing not only what you offer but also how it solves problems for your clients. Include clear, concise information about the benefits of choosing your business over competitors. This ensures visitors immediately understand the value you provide, making them more likely to engage further.

Answering Your Target Market’s Key Questions

A successful website does more than just sell; it answers questions. Your content should preemptively address the inquiries your ideal clients may have, guiding them through your site in a way that feels personally tailored to their needs. All of this will help with your SEO.

Use Landing Pages Strategically

Landing pages are invaluable tools for segmenting your audience and providing targeted information. Each landing page should be designed with a specific segment of your target market in mind, focusing on the questions they are most likely to ask. The content should be relevant and geared towards conversion, with clear, actionable steps visitors can take to learn more or engage with your business.

Ensure Relevance and Conversion

The relevance of your content is crucial for conversion. Your website should not only draw visitors in but also guide them towards taking a specific action, whether that’s making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or contacting your business for more information.

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Incorporating Automation and Calls to Action

Automation can significantly enhance the user experience on your website by streamlining processes and making interactions more efficient.

Use Forms to Filter Leads

Incorporating forms into your website can help you gather important information about your visitors, allowing you to filter leads more effectively. Design your forms to ask accurate, quality questions that yield useful insights into your leads, ensuring you can follow up more effectively.

Be Mindful with Pop-Ups

While pop-ups can be a powerful tool for generating leads or promoting offers, excessive use can detract from the user experience. Use pop-ups sparingly and ensure they are relevant and timely, enhancing rather than interrupting the user’s journey on your site.

Clear Calls to Action

Every page on your website should have a clear call to action (CTA) that guides visitors towards the next step. Whether it’s contacting your team, downloading a resource, or making a purchase, your CTAs should be obvious and compelling.

The Gecko Approach: Crafting Client-Centric Websites

Mike Octigan from Gecko knows the importance of getting these elements right from the start. Gecko specialises in creating websites that not only look great but are also meticulously tailored to meet the needs of the client’s target market. By focusing on the client’s ideal customers, answering their key questions, and integrating smart automation solutions, Gecko ensures that each website is an effective tool for business growth.

this is a black and white picture of mike octigan

From the initial design phase to the final launch, Gecko works closely with their clients to ensure that every aspect of the website is aligned with the business’s goals and the needs of its customers. This collaborative approach results in websites that not only attract visitors but convert them into loyal customers.


Building a better website means shifting the focus from your business to your ideal clients. By making your website all about them, answering their key questions, and incorporating automation and effective CTAs, you can create a digital presence that truly resonates with your target market. And with experts like Mike Octigan and Gecko, you can ensure that your website is built with these principles in mind from the very beginning, setting the stage for lasting online success. This activity comes under the umbrella of low cost or no costs marketing as its something you can do yourself or ask your developer to implement.

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