Company Turnover of Between £85,000 – £1million
Bite-Size products have been specifically designed to save SME business owners like you time and money.
Here are the most popular products I use with companies like yours every week.
If you know what you need you can get booked in by following the buy now links.
Or if you are unsure what you need, we can have a chat by clicking the WhatsApp tab, or you can book a consult here.
A set of branding workshops that allow you to discover your Values, Tone of Voice and USP. This is delivered to you in a brand bible to ensure your brand image is right every time.
This is a set of strategic planning sessions to piece together a detailed marketing plan, full of meaningful actions. We look at all aspect of the business and produce a marketing plan that meets your budget.
This is for a business owner who needs ongoing marketing support and someone external to keep a firm hand on the
marketing tiller.
marketing tiller.